CJCCL 2020, Volume 6

Issues in Charity and Non-Profit Law

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Susan Barker Advocacy by Charities: What is the Question? 1-57
Bradley Bryan Indigenous Peoples, Legal Bodies, and Personhood: Navigating the “Public Body” Exemption with Private Law Hybrid Entities 58-77
Reid Buchanan & Michelle Gallant Modernizing the ‘Definition’ of Charity: Charting the Tax Terrain of Statutory Reform 78-108
Natalie Silver & Renate Buijze Tax Incentives for Cross-border Giving in an Era of Philanthropic Globalization: A Comparative Perspective 109-150
Kathryn Chan Constitutionalizing the Registered Charity Regime: Reflections on Canada Without Poverty 151-190
Gino E Dal Pont Charitable Un-educational Objects 191-219
Phillip Morgan Judgment-Proofing Voluntary Sector Organisations from Liability in Tort 220-259
Ian Murray Donor Advised Funds: What Can North America Learn From the Australian Approach? 260-304
Adam Parachin Why and When Discrimination is Discordant with Charitable Status: The Problem with “Public Policy”, The Possibility of a Better Solution 305-359
Pauline Ridge When is the Advancement of Religion Not a Charitable Purpose? 360-397